Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Escape from Worry about Money

Lại Thế Luyện- 

I read this article written in Vietnamese. I attempted to translate exactly what the author tried to say. Some ideas are lost in the translations due to language differences. I will post the Vietnamese version below.

Each of us always has the worry that money weighs on our soul. Working hard all day with money worries is troublesome, but even at the times of relaxation, our minds are still obsessed about money, which makes us lose sleep. It is so true that life is so hard. Instead of using our precious free time to relax and enjoy what should be the happy time for our spirits at the conclusion of working hard all day, we use those times to worry continuously about money. Therefore, our lives will never have a peaceful time.

 So many people think that when they become rich, their minds will be at ease. Is it true? The truth is that many rich people will not find peace of mind as they should or that deep inside of their souls are still feelings of emptiness and uselessness. 

The deceased musician, Trịnh Công Sơn, wrote a song with the title, " Ở trọ", translated as "Temporary Living". He wrote " A bird temporarily is living on the top of the bamboo. A a fish temporarily is living under the narrow river". (Con chim ở đậu cành tre. Con cá ở trọ trong khe nước nguồn). As humans, we are temporarily living in this world. It means that nothing can last forever. Each of us is like a visitor that comes into this world. However, why do we whirl, hurry, and work hard for all of our lives? Either we can go fast or slow, but at some point, we are going to go into the same place!. Therefore, why do we hurry? Why do we try to hold on too much to this world? Do not cling too much onto this life! Isn’t it better to live a simple, calm, and relaxing life?

Many people after facing the end of life realize that all the greed to be rich or the selfishness will disappear soon. They only wish to be alive and enjoy a meaningful life.


As of right now, do you think that your life is full of meaning or is your life every day meaningless? Do you love what you do every day? If you are truthful with yourself, your life probably does not have a lot of meaning. The majority of people are living within the narrow confines of their life without knowing the true meaning of life. They don't know what they go after? They want everything, but they do not know exactly what everything is. So many people waste their lives because they do not know their exact purpose and do not know how to contribute to life.

Sometimes, I feel that  my life is very ordinary and insipid or tasteless-work follow the hours, try to avoid some of the sadness feeling, try to fulfill my life with some social activities and my thought is simple "just need some thing to do". How many people among us do not like their works? Is it we just work to make a living and not concentrate on finishing working?
Many times when I look at myself, I see that I have so many times when I am just living with feelings of emptiness and sadness. What I am trying to say is this: In our lives, the happiness and the recent are always present. On those days of feeling empty and sad I forgot the presence of a wonderful life. I always question the meaning of life. What do I have to live for? Also, why do I not stop the feeling that my life is so useless and unhappy? So many nights I did not sleep because I am so thirsty for a meaningful life.
How about you? Are there some moments in your life when you suddenly ask yourself, what am I looking for in this life?


Many times I try to find the meaning of life by looking outside of myself, but I have not been successful. I use my time to listen to the deep voice inside my soul. I realize that saving the sorry feeling and the emptiness in my heart will not make things any better. They cause the delay in life. Today, I ask myself why am I living? Where am I going? And how can I contribute to life? If I will think seriously about all these questions, I will write them down in my diary – in life, what is the most important thing?"

Finally, I found the answers. The reason I did not feel the whole meaning of life is that I do not know the exact purpose for my life. Everything I do every day does not fit with the nobility of life, which deep in my heart I thirst after. Definitely life are not long days and nights passing by with no directions. Everybody needs to have the purpose of life for himself or herself. Another way to say it is that every one as an ordinary of us has the range of visibility for actions.
Every day, through our work, we contribute to creating our future. We know exactly where we are going to be, and we will be successful and feel happy as life should be. If we don't, life will stir us as ordinary as the duckweed, and cloud won’t get us anywhere. With no directions in life, the works that we do every day is wasted. Living without directions is like living in desperation on lifelessness.

Live in time with many changes, people will easily be swayed in different directions. Therefore, we have to make a special request clearly for the purpose of our life. Even though in life nobody can know what will happen before hand, we can direct our life depending on the purpose of life that we put forth

Struggling with knowing the purpose of life is to open the door for us to a path in the forest of life. People who know how to nurture the noble purpose of life is to know the truth of life. Being on the wrong side of life will create more reasons for us to reach higher. Around us there are so many people who devote themselves for the noble purposes in life. These things help them to forget all the worry, the disease, the wrong side of socially, just to live in higher purpose of life. 

Still struggling to find the purpose of life for yourself means that life still has the whole meaning for you!!

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