Friday, August 9, 2024

Doing good is the happiest

 In life, many people do not live happily or joyfully. The reason is not that they are poor, but rather that they do not understand the true source of happiness. In fact, a kind heart and kind thoughts are always closely connected to happiness. Those who often do good deeds and help others will maintain a relaxed and open mind, and as a result, they may also achieve better health.

A psychologist once said, "People who frequently do good deeds will naturally feel joy, and their lives will become more positive and optimistic."

From a humanistic perspective, doing good deeds accumulates virtue, and those who possess virtue will receive blessings. Their souls will naturally feel happy and peaceful.

The phrase "Doing good is the greatest joy" originates from the "Book of the Later Han," which states that doing good deeds and helping others brings the deepest joy. The following story is the origin of this advice:

Liu Zhang, the son of Liu Xiu, the founder of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was granted the title of Duke of Dongping in the 15th year of the Jianwu reign. Despite his high status, Liu Zhang lived humbly and simply. He cared about the lives of the people and often advised the emperor to implement policies beneficial to the public. However, he felt uncomfortable in the imperial court and requested several times to resign and return to Dongping.

Upon returning to Dongping, Liu Zhang continued to serve the nation and was still highly regarded by Emperor Liu Xiu. When the emperor asked him, "What is the most joyful thing in life?" Liu Zhang replied, "Doing good is the greatest joy."

Good deeds do not necessarily require money; just having the desire to do good is enough. The good a person does will never fade with time; at the very least, it will bring immediate spiritual joy and happiness.

Doing good is not a privilege reserved for the wealthy. Those who are less fortunate can also do good deeds if they have a compassionate heart inclined towards goodness. Sometimes, just a glance or a word of encouragement can change another person's life.

In this short life, if a person chooses to do good and help others, that sincere intention will lay the foundation for their own bright future. Not only will they achieve spiritual joy, but because "good people are blessed," their path ahead will be filled with luck and fulfillment.

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