Sunday, July 10, 2016

Life Is a Choice

 Life is a choice, is also a kind of letting go. Who can do these two things,then their  thoughts will be in a very high realm, because they  understand so calmly to face it. 
life is a fresh bouquet, if enjoys delicately, one can see the beauty of flowers. Even though it is brutal quickly but the fragrant from it rest forever.
  Life is like green tea, sipping slowly one can enjoy the real taste of it . The hot green tea is easy to cool off, but the scent still lingering forever.
 A human life is like a country song , subtle listening can understand the principle of it, folk songs are usually short, but the deep attention meaning are endless . 
Life is a choice, is also a kind of letting go. People can freely choose is the  happy people. Happiness,  often born with, but this kind of happiness is also very easy to lose. Who can let go at the right time is liberation, but let go of this kind of thinking also makes some people feel uncomfortable. 
People who just can choose to  let go and also  can be calm, quiet type is the one  often makes others admire, but it is also difficult to reach that realm. In fact, the choice of means to let go, but letting go is also a selection of styles.
 A human life can sometimes occur many things fundamentally no way to explain clearly. Do not be sad, just calmly walked over to face everything. Because the path is not always the straight path. People are not always right so be calm to solve the problem. The relation ship between human must less concealed, but more frank. The truth is people need to create a trustworthy between one and another ..A human life can not always be to your liking, which can not also good. One  also should accept other people's weaknesses.
One said many course will blurted, do not  blame others. Spend time listening to others, then forget. 

Things that can disturb your heart usually is  mind "sniff". Things that can hurt you is often vicious in your heart. If you are gentle, nobody is worth hatred. If you do not go deep in to considerate other thinking, no one can make you upset.

 Humans should not be so triumphant moment extravagant, because it will generate extravagant pride, that pride will eventually certainly fail,and, is the germ of frustration.

 Disappointed at not too painful, because painful is weakness, that  will generate certain collapse .Lifetime after all needs to let go, need to get away from negative thought and the hardships. 
 What you experienced are past ,and it retained forever in your life is the enthusiasm forward to make it own aspirations.
 A human life is a choice, do not allow us to wait, relying, which need to make. The choice is right at the foot of the road, and  in the heart, that guided us towards the future. 

Life is a process, it helps us to understand a lot of things. Those who hurt you are also help you to know sometimes accidentally truth;One who help you will make you feel the sincere honesty has always existed.

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