Thursday, December 30, 2021

Turkey Meatballs

Actually, this is the recipe for beef balls that I use when eating with Vietnamese noodle soup called "pho”. However, I have been a vegetarian for a long time, and vegetarian pho is one of my favorite dishes. Sometimes when I eat vegan pho, I still want to add a few beef balls. It did give me a little guilty feeling because what makes me want to become a vegan is for health reasons and  beef is the first protein source that I had to let go. I know that I still have a long way to go to become a complete vegan. For that, I use turkey meat instead of beef.  I also use ground turkey meat that is sold at Costco or Sam’s Club. The traditional way to make beef balls gives the best texture and flavor. I am very happy with the result of the turkey meatballs because it I can get lovely and bouncy balls . This meatball is served with clear broth in addition to the meal, so today I will share this recipe and hope that you can be successful as well.


 2 pounds of ground turkey

Liquid seasoning ingredients:

1/3 cup water

1/4 cup olive oil or grape seed oil

1 tsp salt

1 tsp fish sauce

1 tsp sugar 

1 tsp chicken powder

2 tsp baking powder

2 tbs potato starch

2 tsp minced garlic


Place turkey in a medium size container with lid.

Combine the liquid seasoning ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Pour the liquid seasoning mixture into the ground turkey and mix until all the liquid is absorbed. Cover the lid and freeze the marinated turkey for 1 hour.

Place chilled turkey in a food processor and use the pause function to grind the meat for 10 minutes. Remove the meat and freeze again for 30 minutes. After the second time, repeat in the same manner and freeze again. After the third time, blend the meat until it is a sticky paste and not runny.

Shape into balls by using a small ice cream scoop or spoon. Use which way to make the balls that is easier for you. Bring a pot of water to boil and drop each ball into the boiling water. When the meatballs float on the surface it is done. Prepare a large bowl of cold water and scoop up the cooked balls and drop into the cold water. Drain well.

The meat balls are ready to serve.

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