Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The World That Everyone Sees Is Different

Once there was a man who collected feces, a woodcutter, and a beggar who met one another. These three people had nothing to do and decided to sit and chat.

The beggar said, "If you were the emperor, what would you do?."

The feces collector said If I were to become emperor, I would order all the feces in the street to converge on me. If anyone came to take the feces away, I would send the army to arrest them immediately."

The woodcutter said, "If I were to become emperor, I would go order a golden axe and daily use this golden axe to chop wood."

Finally, the beggar said, "If I were to become emperor, I would do nothing, sit by the fire every day and eat baked sweet potatoes."

The story above makes it clear that it is difficult for each person to break through the limitations of personal experience and knowledge. Like, if you see a gem, you may marvel at its beauty, others are  thinking how much is it worth . People with different cognitive abilities cannot talk to each other.

Therefore, arguing with others is useless.


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