Saturday, September 2, 2023

Spirituality in Life

Spirituality is an interesting and important topic. Did you know that when you learn about spirituality, you will discover your inner self, and the values and goals you pursue? You will have a more peaceful life when you know how to connect with yourself and with the infinite energy of the universe. You will realize that happiness is always with us, as long as we know how to recognize and accept it. Happiness is not something luxurious or hard to find, but a state of mind that we can choose. For example, when a Category 4 hurricane has just passed through the city I live in, I may feel worried and anxious because of the damage and hardship it causes. But I also chose to thank God that the storm wasn't as damaging as it was reported and that I still have family, friends, and health to carry on with my life. I was also able to help others affected by the storm and felt human empathy and love. Those are the things that help me maintain optimism and happiness in life.

Here are four spiritual rules that I often meditate on and that are well worth your reference.

1. The first rule is: “Whoever you meet is the same person you need to meet. "

This means that no one comes into our lives by chance. Every person around us, with whom we interact, represents something, be it to teach us something or to help us improve our current situation.


2. The second rule is: “Whatever happens is what should happen.”

Nothing, absolutely nothing we experience should be different, even with the littlest things that matter the least. If I had done it differently…, it would have been different misses the point. What happened is what should have happened and must have happened to help us learn lessons to move forward. Any situation in life we face is perfect, even if it challenges our understanding and ego.

3. The third rule is: “In every moment, everything begins at the right time. "

Everything starts at the right time, not earlier or later. When we are ready for it, for something new in our lives, it will be there, ready to begin.

4. Rule #4: “What is past, let go.”

This rule is very simple. When something in our lives is over, it is done helping our evolution. That is why, to enrich our experience, it is better to let go and continue the journey.

We live in a challenging and transformative time, but it is also an opportunity for us to discover and grow our spirituality. Spirituality is an inexhaustible source of energy, helping us to overcome all difficulties and enjoy life to the fullest. The Buddha's children not only live for this life but also for the liberation and peace of the next lives. Live with a spirit of joy, gratitude, and compassion, so that your life becomes more meaningful and happier.

There is a great saying "Let your life be a piece of work, not a product".

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