Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Poggi Kimchi - Napa Cabbage Kimchi

It is truly impossible to talk about the Korean cuisine without mentioning the most important Korean delicacy: Kimchi. Koreans are very proud of this creation, and have developed hundreds of variations of the origianal recipe: from seafood to vegetables. As having lived in an undeveloped country in Southeast Asia, I understand how it is important to preserve the meats or vegetables during the winter months. It is always found that vegetables, if pickled and stored properly, would not just stay edible, but their taste would change over time. Just like other pickled dishes in Asian cuisines, be different stages of fermentation will create different recipes and Korean Kimchi has very much achieved a greater taste as time went by. I never dare to make seafood Kimchi, such as squid, fish or shrimp, leaving that for the professional to do. The simple Poggi Kimchi is the one very much well known for its taste and the way to prepare it. With this Kimchi, one can create Kimchi pancake for breakfast, Kimchi soup, Kimchi Bibimbap or just enjoy it as a side dish.
1 Napa cabbage (medium size)
2 ounces mustard greens, washed and cut into 2 inch lengths
2 ounces watercress, washed and cut into 2 inch lengths
2 ounces Korean chives, washed and cut into 2 inch lengths
3 scallions, washed and cut into 2 inch lengths
1 small Korean radish, julienned
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup red pepper powder
1/2 cup sweet rice paste (recipe follows)
1/4 cup salted shrimp
1/4 cup fresh ginger, minced
1/4 cup garlic, minced
2 tbs fish sauce
4 tsp salt
1/4 cup sugar
3 cups water

Napa cabbage Preparation:
Cut the cabbage in four equal portions. Wash under running water. Put the cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle the salt evenly over cabbage leaves. Lift up some bigger leaves of cabbage and sprinkle salt in between. Pour over enough water to cover the cabbage and leave overnight. Drain and wash the cabbage soaked with salt 3 to 4 times under running cold water and put them in a colander to drain for 2 hours.
Making sauce:
Combine all the sauce ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir until all mix well. Stir in the radishes, watercress, mustard greens, chives and green onions. Cut each portion of the cabbage into 3 inch pieces. Place each amount cabbage into a clean container. Divide the sauce equally. Pour sauce over cabbage in the container. Continue until all the cabbage and the sauce is distributed equally in the container. Make sure to fill up only 80% of the container to avoid any overflow when the Kimchi has fermented. Cover with lid and let sit on the countertop for 24 hours. After 24 hours refrigerate and enjoy Kimchi for months. To quicken the fermenting process, Kimchi can be left at room temperature for 36 hours.

Sweet rice paste:
Put 1/2 cup of water and 1/4 cup sweet rice flour in a pot. Use a whisk to mix well together. Bring to boil and continue whisking it until the mixture reaches the thickness of a pancake batter. Remove and let it cool before using.

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