Friday, September 13, 2024

Live like today is your last day.

When thinking about death, many people feel fear. This is natural because who isn't afraid of death?  I once felt the same way, and perhaps you, too, have shared this feeling at some point.  No one wants to die, not even those who wish to go to heaven want to die to get there. I’m certain of this, as no record has ever shown someone committing suicide just because they wanted to go to heaven.  However, as Steve Jobs once said, "Death is the destination we all share.  No one can escape it, and that's how it should be.  Death is likely life's single greatest invention; it brings about change.  It wipes out the old to make way for the new."

If death is the inevitable destination for everyone, the law of nature, then why should we be afraid of it?  Why not live as though today is your last day?  Thinking like this will make life more meaningful and valuable.  When you think this way, you’ll feel lighter, as you’ll be freed from the pressures and burdens that once weighed you down. There is nothing left to be ashamed of, nothing left to worry about. You’ll break free from the narrow frameworks of daily life to focus on what you believe to be the most important things in life.  You’ll avoid unnecessary distractions and dedicate your time to those you love, caring for them more deeply. You’ll stop yourself from saying or doing things that might hurt them. By thinking this way, you will learn to appreciate the gifts life has given you and know how to give back in return.

When living as if today is your last, you will share more, because as people often say, joy is doubled when shared, and sorrow is halved.  You’ll also find it easier to forgive others because with only one day left, there’s no time for grudges or anger.

Life is a cycle. When we are born, we are something new, but we grow old and die to make way for other new things. This is an undeniable truth, a rule of life. Thus, we have only a limited amount of time to achieve our goals.  Don’t waste it living someone else’s life or following others' thoughts and viewpoints. Don’t let time slip by meaninglessly, living without goals or ideals. You are an individual, with your own dreams, aspirations, and desires, and only you know what is truly important to you.  You can look to others for inspiration, but don’t strive to become them. Copying someone else will never bring true fulfillment.  Instead, act on what your heart and intuition tell you, not the pressures from outside.  After all, we only live once. When you are gone, no matter how much you want to, you can no longer do what your heart once yearned for.  Even if there is some world beyond this one, who has ever returned to tell us about it?

So, live like today is your last day!

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