Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Soup

The day after Thanksgiving is always a challenge for any cook trying to finish using all the leftovers. I remembered my mom always said "Do not throw out anything; just turn it into different kinds of meals". She was right because we kids didn't know the meals which she fed us used recycled ingredients from earlier meals. Last night we had a big dinner, so making light dinner tonight must be a good choice. I saved the turkey bones after carving the meat and that will make a good basic broth for this recipe. A lot of left over roasted vegetables can add flavor to the soup. I know this will be a good and healthy soup after all.

Turkey Broth
All bones of roasted Turkey
7 quarts of water
1 white onion quarters
2 carrots cut into 3 inch lengths
2 stalks celery, cut into 3 inch lengths
1/2 lemon slice
A few leaves of cabbage
Salt and pepper to taste
1 ounce rock sugar
In a stock pot, combine all the ingredients and bring to boil. Skim off the foam and turn the heat to simmer. Simmer the broth for 2 hours. Drain the broth.

Turkey soup:
8 cups of turkey broth
3 cups roasted turkey cut up
1 cup green beans, diced
1/2 cup white onions, roughly chopped
1 carrot, cut into 1/2 inch thick coins
1 stalk celery, cut into 1/2 inch wide pieces
1 cup frozen corn
1 cup cauliflower, cut up
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups baby spinach
Fresh parsley, chopped

In a pot, bring the broth to boil. Add turkey, carrots, celery, corn, cauliflower, and green beans. Cook for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Season with salt and pepper, if needed.

Ladle soup into serving bowl. Add spinach and sprinkle with parsley and serve.

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