Friday, June 27, 2014

The Philosophy of Life as Revealed through a Bank Robbery

In a bank robbery believed to be in Guangzhou, China, a robber shouted: "All stand still, keep in mind the money belongs to the Government, but your life belongs to you." Everyone in the bank listened closely and lay down quietly.

     This is called: "The way of initiation - Change the thought trail".

- There is a woman who lay on the table in a suggestive pose. A robber shouted: "Please behave civilized, we are robbers not rapists!"

     This is called "Professional Conduct - Just focus on what you are trained to do!"

- When the older robber turned, a younger robber with an MBA said to the older robber (who only had an average intelligence): "Big Brother, we have to count how much money that we will have robbed!” The older robber raised his voice: "You're stupid! How can we count the money now? Just hold on, the TV tonight will tell us how much money that we are looting!"

     This is called: "Experience - Today, the experience is more important than diplomas or being book smart.”

- After the robbers left, the branch manager was just about to call the police when the Chief Accountant rushed forward, whispered in his ear: "Wait, we still have 5 million that we can embezzle for ourselves, which can be reported to be among what the robbers stole!"

     This is called "Swimming with the river’s current - Conversion of unfavorable circumstances to become favorable"

- The manager said to him: "That's great! It would be even greater if every month there is a robbery!"

     This is called: "Get rid of unpleasant things - Happiness is the most important thing"

- The next day, televisions reported that $100 million was stolen from the bank. The robbers then counted only 20 million. They were angry: "We risked our lives just to get 20 million; they just sat there doing nothing, but easily stole 80 million. It is true that education, a degree, provided the chair upon which they are sitting, and a superior robbery over our money! "

     This explains why: "Knowledge is valuable as gold ..."


In life there are always things we can quickly look upon; there are not as we see from the outside, and the truth is only relative.

Does the way we choose to look to bring fun and happiness for ourselves determine if we are good or bad?

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