Wednesday, November 12, 2014

24-Hour Essentials, Priorities

24-Hour Essentials, Priorities

In the morning when we wake up, we believe that we have twenty four hours to live. It is a precious gift. Learn how to live with peace and happiness in the twenty-four hours and teach others as well, so that there is peace and happiness.
Peace is in our presence right here at this moment, in every material thing we touch, every job we do, or things we see. The problem is that we did not know peace exists. With blue sky in front of us, we do not have to go far to enjoy the blue sky. We also do not need to leave the city, if we can see the beauty in the eyes of a child. Enjoying the fresh air that we breathe can tell us how happy we are then.
By letting ourselves go while standing, breathing, smiling and eating, we are always in contact with the wonderful around us. We properly arrange and prepare for our future life but every day is not good in the way we live. We will easily sacrifice ten years to earn a degree to become engineers or doctors, and are willing to work very hard to get good jobs, to buy a house, buy a car, etc., but we forget to live each present moment and can only truly live in each moment. After just waking up, each of us need to breathe and enjoy every step as a source of peace, which can tell us how to have fun and serenity.

Peace in every step. Let us hold hands and walk one step at a time on the long relaxing road disengaged.

Translated from the Introduction of the book "AN LẠC TỪNG BƯỚC CHÂN" by the Zen master 
 Thích Nhất Hạnh

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