Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Definition of a Wife.

Definition of a wife

-The Farmer: The wife is old barren piece of land that although we continue to plow and try to cultivate, no one wants to buy.

- The Teacher: She is a dull student, asked just one sentence repeatedly, forever.

- The seller of lottery tickets: Wife is a lottery ticket that when first bought, everyone hopes to hit the jackpot.

- The philosopher: She is an independent entity existing outside of me –  my unintended. Wife is categorical, indicating the only fear of man.

- Physicist: She can transform from one form to another, from one form to her husband out of the house to form tassels to bruises, she forms the basis for man to dig a big grave and to jump out of a tall building.

- Economist: She is banking lawlessness, not rules: Send in is easy, it is difficult to withdraw, but what cannot be sued.

- In terms of assets: The wife is something very old that cannot be liquidated.

- Sociologist: She is individual liberty, volunteering to live with us, but always accusing us of losing her freedom, and if we try to return her freedom, she refuses to have it back.

- Archaeologist: She is an antique that devaluates with time.

But ultimately, men cannot live without her.

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