Friday, April 29, 2016

Four Spiritual Rules

1. The first rule is: "Anyone whom you meet that is also true is the person you need to see.” This means that no one appears in our lives by accident at all. Everyone around us, with whomever we communicate, represents something – perhaps to teach us something or to help us to improve the current situation.
2. The second rule is: "Whatever happens is exactly what should have happened.” Nothing, absolutely nothing we experience should be different – even the smallest/should happen or the least important thing. Don't do that or if I did that ... otherwise, it would have been different. What has happened is exactly what should happen and must happen to help us learn the lessons to move forward. Any circumstance in life that we face is absolutely perfect, even as it challenges the understanding and our ego.
3. The third rule is: “At every moment, everything starts at the right time.” Everything started at the right time, not earlier or later. When we are ready for it-something new in our life-then it will be there, ready to start.
4 The fourth rule is: "What we have had in the past, is for the past.” This rule is very simple. When something in our lives is over, it means that it is done to help our evolution. That is why, in order to enrich our experience, it’s best that we let go and continue the journey.

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