Monday, April 11, 2016

Pumpkin Shrimp Egg Rolls

By now, everyone knows that egg rolls are the most popular foods as an appetizer or snack and are always served at Asian events. I love egg rolls and posted quite a few recipes for making egg rolls. The recipe that I will introduce today is quite intriguing because the pumpkin will be used for part of the filling. I should name this recipe as the brain egg roll because the fillings are very healthy with more vegetables and pumpkin, which are a big boost for a healthy brain. I also use whole shrimp for each of rolls instead of chopping them into small pieces. With its low calorie content , shrimp is a smart addition to calorie and health-conscious diets. According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration, shrimp is very low in Mercury but provides several nutritional advantages as a result of its protein, vitamins, and mineral content.  I will add the fact that shrimp is high quality and provides lean protein. These days people are interested in healthy food, and, if you are one of them, then this recipe is definitely for you.

30 egg roll wrappers

30 medium shrimp – shelled, leave tail on, and deveined
Filling ingredients:
1 lb. ground turkey
4 oz. fish paste, store-bought (optional)
2 cups shredded pumpkin
2 cups shredded taro
2 cups shredded jicama
1 cup carrots, shredded
3 dried funguses, soaked for 20 minutes and chopped
2 oz. cellophane noodles, soaked and chopped
1 white onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 eggs
3 green onions, sliced
 Salt, soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, and black pepper, to taste

2 cups oil for deep frying

Serve with:
Sweet and sour dipping sauce
Lettuce, cumbers, cilantro

To Assemble the egg rolls:
30 egg roll wrappers, such as the Menlo brand

Separate the egg roll wrappers and cover with a damp cloth to prevent drying out and set aside.
In a safe microwave heatproof bowl, combine the taro and pumpkin and lightly cook in a microwave for 5 minutes.

 Squeeze out as much water in the jicama as you can and combine with the rest of the ingredients with the partially cooked taro and pumpkin; Break 1 egg and separate the yolk. Save the egg white for "gluing" the skin and mix thoroughly.

Place one wrapper on a working surface.

Place about 2 tbs of the filling on the middle of the wrapper, but nearer the bottom of the wrapper facing you.

Use your hand or fingers to fold the filling into a cylinder around 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. Fold the two pointed ends of the wrapper in and place one shrimp (leave the tail protrude before rolling to enclose the shrimp body).

Dab a little egg white along the edges and seal the egg roll. Repeat the above steps to finish the fillings.

To fry the egg rolls:

Preheat a large wok and add the oil. When the oil reaches about 350°, carefully place the rolls into the hot oil.

Do not crowd the pan or add the egg rolls on top of each other. Fry them about 5 to 7 minutes (turn them occasionally until they are golden brown).

 Reduce the heat if the oil is too hot. Remove the fried rolls and place on a tray lined with a paper towel to absorb most of the oil. Serve warm.

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