Saturday, February 6, 2021

Crispy Fried Shallots

Crispy fried shallots are an essential side dish in Vietnam. They are often served in several kinds of soups and on top of some salad recipes. They are part of a lot of Asian dishes, and they are indispensable. The crispy fried shallots can be kept in the refrigerator for months. The fried shallots can be found in most Asian groceries. However, homemade fried shallots taste much better than the store-bought. You may want to make double batches, as people have a hard time resisting the urge to snack on them. Strain the oil you used to fry the shallots and use it in other recipes for a variety of dishes. The strained oil, called shallot oil, can be kept refrigerated for weeks.


2 cups thinly sliced shallots (about 5 large shallots)

2 cups canola or peanut oil

1/2 cup cornstarch


Sprinkle the cornstarch over the shallots and coat well. Shake off the excess flour. Combine shallots and oil in a medium saucepan or wok. Place over high heat and cook, stirring frequently, until shallots begin to bubble (2 to 3 minutes). Continue cooking, stirring constantly as the shallots fry to ensure even cooking, until shallots turn pale golden brown (8 to 10 minutes longer). Working quickly, pour contents of saucepan into a prepared strainer set over a bowl. (Shallots will continue cooking for a brief period after draining, so do not allow them to get too dark.)

After the drained oil cools, pour oil in a glass jar with lid.

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