Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Thai Green Mango Salad

In the Thai cuisine, my favorite is their mango salad. Usually, there are two types of mango salad that you often see in Thai restaurants: a salad using ripe mangoes and a salad using green mangoes. The green mango salad is no different from their papaya salad, because the salad dressing is very similar to the recipe. However, you can add other ingredients, such as boiled meat, ground meat, or shrimp. Today, I just want to introduce a simple recipe for green mango salad with some carrots. Vegetarians can replace fish sauce with soy sauce for an equally delicious version. Here's a simple recipe for **Green Mango Salad** that you can enjoy:


- 1 green mango

- 1 small carrot


Sauce ingredients:

- 2 cloves of garlic, minced

- 2 dry chilis

- 1 tbsp fish sauce

- 1 tbsp lemon juice

- 1 tbsp tamarind juice

- 1 tbsp sugar


Topping ingredients:

- Basil or Vietnamese coriander

- Roasted peanuts or almonds



1. Peel, wash and cut the green mangoes. Peel, wash and cut the carrots into strips.

2. Put everything in a bowl.

3. Mix all the sauce ingredients. Season to suit your family's taste.

4. Add the sauce into the mango for about 10 minutes before eating, then sprinkle peanuts and herbs on top.


Enjoy your homemade green mango salad! 


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