Monday, January 18, 2016

Simmered Salmon in Dashi Vinegar Ginger

Cooking with vinegar is a healthy choice. The vinegar can tenderize the meat and take away any fish odors. Basically, this poaching method from Japanese cooking that the Japanese women do in their kitchens is simple and healthy. Sardines work best for this recipe, but any kind of fish works well too. As I have been mentioned throughout my recipes, dashi is the best broth that cooks need to have on hand. Dashi is easy to make and lasts a few days in the refrigerator. The konbu left after making dashi can be served with this dish. However, I created this recipe with the ingredients that I have. The Japanese cuisine looks sophisticated to the world’s eyes with its presentation and sometimes can intimidate the beginner cook. For the non-Japanese cook like me, I have tried many recipes and feel a sense of harmony while preparing Japanese dishes. Even though I am not master in food preparation, the taste of each recipe provides sufficient nourishment and sensory pleasure to my family and friends. Today’s dish is a healthy easy simmered fish. Use this method to create poaching liquid and add different kinds of fish to suit your taste and budget.

Two 6 oz salmon fillets
1 knob of fresh ginger, julienned
2 shallots, peeled and quartered
1/4 cup sliced seaweed (cooking konbu)
Poaching liquid ingredients:
1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup sake
1/4 cup dashi broth*
1 tsp blackstrap molasses
2 tsp mirin
2 tbs soy sauce
1/4 tsp cayenne, chili flakes, or 1 fresh hot chili
Garnish with green onions and cilantro

Place salmon in a shallow saucepan. Add the poaching liquid to the saucepan. Add the shallots and a ginger to the pan.

 Bring to boil and reduce heat to simmer. Cut a piece of parchment paper large enough to place directly on top of the salmon.

Continue poaching the fish for 15 minutes. Transfer the salmon onto a serving plate and top with seaweed and the garnish.




*The dashi broth recipe was posted on January 15, 2016.

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