Monday, May 2, 2016

Ravens and Meaningful Lessons about Life.

There's a Raven that wants to integrate into the human’s world. The humans said to the Raven that his black colored feathers are so unlucky . The Raven suppresses his pain to color his feathers into a white plumage. The humans liked the Raven's white plumage until it spoke when they realized that it was still the bad luck black Raven and chased it away. The humans said to the Raven that his voice unfortunately was ominous, and the Ravens swallowed doses of mercury to change his voice. But the Raven did not know whether or not it has tried it is, when people know it is the Raven, they will chase it away. The Raven asked God why it tried everything, but people still did not accept it. Is there anything else that he must do? God answered the Raven did not need to change himself but the PREJUDICE OF HUMANS. Once humans refuse to change their way of thinking, then it would be impossible to accept the Raven. A Raven to them forever is not good. The question is when a Raven tries to turn itself into a human, is it no longer a Raven anymore? Also, when the Raven returns to its own community, will the white Raven with a clear voice still be acceptable there?

People often feel the need to change in order to satisfy everyone. But, if you change yourself, will others change their prejudices about you?

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