Friday, November 8, 2013

Living a Simple Life Will Make You Great!!

Life faces so many salty and bitter situations and that is a reason why our sweat and tears are salty. If we can have everything in life, then that is not life. Therefore, greedy people will face shortages and wanting. Committing suicide is the action to avoid facing bad situations of life, and it is never has a good result.
So, there are many familiar lessons about greed and selfishness, but we always make that mistake. The internal spiritual and emotional punishment is more severe than the physical pain of the body. Therefore, when start doing something to the extreme, we have to know the stopping point of it. If we cross that point, there will be some disaster to follow.
Tomorrow starts from today, but today has already started from yesterday. Everything has its own reason and logic. If one can withstand the suffering, then the happiness will eventually arrive.
Everybody will have the same status. The reality of life, such as being rich, poor, from high or low classes, ugly, or beautiful is just to make our life more colorful.
“Laughing at someone occasionally who will laugh back at you even more" never fails. Because of that, we should never disdain anybody. Everybody that we have a chance to meet in life will teach us at least one vital lesson.
Love is the strongest force to help us climb the highest mountain and forgive people. A mother’s love is the biggest love of all, but sometimes we abuse this kind of love from our mothers.
A lover is not only a person who just looks into our eyes but also a person who can look at the same direction with us.
Living a simple life will make you great in people’s eyes.
Use your intelligence to cure yourself. The more you know the fewer mental disorders you will have. Continuing to improve your education will improve your intelligence, and your range of visibility will be higher too. Understanding the sciences and having deep knowledge about life will make you become erudite.
Do not ask people too much about yourself because you are the only one to know the truth about yourself.
Some things do not belong to you, and you should not accept them. Therefore, we always have to be aware and alert to recognize those things. However, sometimes in life we have to receive some things that don’t belong to us, but we should only accept them temporarily.
Always remember,  life is complicated, but you can learn how to make your life as simple as you can, and it is the only way to find happiness.
Source: Internet

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