Saturday, May 18, 2024

Eggplant-Vietnamese Gourd and Olive Stew: A Nutritional Powerhouse

In the world of culinary delights, there's a dish that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also offers a wealth of health benefits — the Eggplant-Vietnamese Gourd and Olive Stew. This dish is a testament to the philosophy that what we put into our bodies can have a profound impact on our health and well-being.

The Vietnamese gourd is a staple in the Asian cuisine and is renowned for its ability to improve eyesight and skin health. It’s high fiber content is a boon for the digestive system, aiding in smooth digestion and preventing common digestive issues. Eggplant, with its meaty texture and mild flavor, complements the gourd perfectly, adding not just depth to the dish but also fiber, which is essential for gut health.

Olives, the third star of this dish, are small but mighty. Packed with monounsaturated fats, they are heart-healthy and low in calories. The presence of antioxidants in olives supports memory retention and can contribute to cancer prevention. It's no wonder that this trio of ingredients forms the basis of a dish that's not just delicious but also incredibly nutritious.

The recipe provided is a guide to creating this stew, which is as simple as it is satisfying. The process begins with the preparation of the stew sauce — a flavorful concoction of miso paste, soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, mushroom seasoning, and coconut water. This sauce will serve as the foundation of the stew, infusing the vegetables with a rich, umami flavor.

This Eggplant-Vietnamese Gourd and Olive Stew is more than just a meal; it's a celebration of healthful ingredients coming together to create a dish that's comforting, nutritious, and a joy to eat. It embodies the idea that our food choices can be both pleasurable and beneficial, providing our bodies with the nutrients they need to thrive. So, the next time you're pondering what to cook, consider this stew — it's a choice your taste buds and your body will thank you for.


2 small eggplants

1/2 gourd (about 2 cups)

1/2 cup olives

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/2 white onion, sliced

2 green onions, cut into 1 inch lengths

Stew sauce ingredients:

1 tsp miso paste

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp mirin

1 tbsp sake

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp mushroom seasoning

1/2 cup coconut water

Oil for cooking about 1/4 cup


Combine all the stew sauce ingredients and mix well

Peel and cut the gourd into 1-inch cubes.

Cut eggplant into round shapes (about 2 inches) and soak in salted water for 15 minutes to remove any bitterness. Then remove.

In a pot, add oil and pan fry gourd and eggplant until charred on all sides. 

Add garlic and white onions and cook for 1 minute. Add sauce and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat and simmer until the flavors meld and the sauce thickens. 

Add green onions. You can sprinkle some cilantro before serving.

Tip: Adjust the taste to your liking because olive sometimes are salty.

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