Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Rainbow Vegetarian Fried Rice

 For quick and healthy meals, vegetarian fried rice stands out as a versatile and satisfying dish. It's a fantastic way to transform leftover rice and a medley of vegetables into a vibrant and flavorful feast. The Rainbow Vegetarian Fried Rice is not just a treat for the taste buds but also a visual delight, with its array of colorful veggies that brighten up the plate.

This Rainbow Vegetarian Fried Rice is more than just a meal; it's a celebration of flavors and colors. It's a testament that eating green doesn't mean compromising on taste or satisfaction. So, the next time you find yourself with some leftover rice and a bunch of veggies, remember that a delicious and eco-friendly meal is just a stir-fry away.  The simplicity and the freedom it offers to customize it according to your taste and the ingredients available in your kitchen.


- 2 cups of cold, day-old cooked rice

- 1 1/2 cups of diced assorted vegetables (red, green, and yellow bell peppers, carrots, and mushrooms)

- 1/4 cup of diced red onion

- 2 cloves of garlic, minced

- Oil for cooking


- Soy sauce

- Vegan oyster sauce

- Ketchup

- Salt

- Pepper

- Sugar

- Mushroom seasoning


- Freshly chopped cilantro


1. Start by heating a pan with two tablespoons of oil over medium heat.

2. Sauté the garlic and onions until they become soft and fragrant.

3. Add the mushrooms and carrots, stir-frying them for about two minutes.

4. Introduce the remaining vegetables to the pan, seasoning them with a pinch of salt.

5. If the pan seems dry, drizzle in another tablespoon of oil.

6. Gently fold in the cold rice, reducing the heat to allow the rice to warm up without burning.

7. Season the mixture with vegan oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, and salt, adjusting the quantities to suit your palate.

8. Stir-fry until the rice grains are well-separated and heated through.

9. Once done, take the pan off the heat, sprinkle the vibrant dish with chopped cilantro, and serve hot.

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