Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Journey to face gains and losses in life

In life, we often face the trade-off between "gains" and "losses". This applies both physically and mentally. When we get something, it means we have to face loss in a different aspect.

See this as part of the natural law of life that Buddhism has always reminded us is the "impermanence or change of the universe. Every time we achieve a goal, we must face it." Face challenges and sacrifices. This not only helps us grow but also helps us better understand ourselves and the value of what we have.

We all have experienced difficulties or failures. If someone has gone through a broken marriage, a bankrupt company, or is facing the death of someone they love, remember that it is a part of life that teacher Minh Niem said. "just experiences" instead of what we consider gains and losses.

This experience was written by author Viktor E. Frankl in the book "Finding the Meaning of Life". This is an emotional memoir about the difficult experiences he went through while a prisoner at a concentration camp—central Auschwitz. Instead of focusing on the hardships, pain, and loss, Frankl wrote about the sources of strength that helped him survive. He shares about finding meaning in life, and this meaning can come from achievements at work, care for loved ones, and courage in the face of difficulties. He survived and kept hope by thinking about his wife and looking forward to the day he would see her again. This positive thinking was the miracle that happened to him when he left Áuchwitz prison, even though his beloved wife passed away in the historical context of that time. This book is not only a personal memoir, but also a psychological and philosophical read worth reading.

In short, let's seek strength from those around us to overcome the fear of failure or loss. Every decision we make comes with its sacrifices and benefits. It is an inevitable part of personal growth and the search for happiness. Weighing between achieving our goals and what we must give up to achieve them is a difficult problem. For some people, dedicating time to their career can mean sacrificing precious time with family. On the contrary, spending a lot of time with family can affect your career. It's important to find the right balance for each person's values ​​and goals. Sometimes, short-term sacrifices can lead to more meaningful, long-term achievements. And in every experience, whether success or failure, there are valuable lessons that we can learn and grow from. Evaluating and accepting the sacrifices necessary to achieve a larger goal is an integral part of the journey to finding balance and happiness in life.

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