Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Returning to Roots

Returning to one’s roots is the foundation. Only the pillar has been obscured. This section is always obscured but carries a responsibility that supports any structure. A building, whether old or new or even beautiful, also needs a durable foundation if it is to survive. Every human being has an invisible foundation. The body, speech, and actions are the external structural parts that are visible, but the roots’ source is the inner nature and is the foundation for the development of the physical and spiritual. The process of "death" occurs when energy is not visible to leave our bodies. The mouth is still there but does not speak, the eyes are still there but do not see. There is a body without movement. The “pillar” is still there, but the "foundation" was gone. Only when the origins of human existence is fully understood can we begin to understand and change them. Psychology has attempted to reach the deep and helped us to understand the inner world, including the active form of the subconscious and conscious. But to truly understand ourselves, we must return to the starting point, i.e. return to learn origins. As mentioned above, each of us thinks that a seed inside of our minds is produced from the soul. The soul is not the object of the changes to the body. The soul, which does not belong to the material world, is the foundation of consciousness. The soul is life and is at the root of the personality, thoughts, aspirations, and human emotions. Deep in the seed contains the shape of the life of a tree. With in the right conditions, favorable, the plants will germinate, emerge to the lives immense, vast. Likewise, the soul holds the foundation of one's own personality, and this is expressed through our actions. On the road looking for spiritual life, we try to find the immortal part of the human personality where no negative film has accumulated in the art. The fundamental nature of ours is very noble and pure. The soul - which is the true self of each person - from the very beginning is very bright and does not have sin. Stepping on the road to spiritual life means that we will have to go through the contemplation of the good primitive. From practical experience, we will have a leap of consciousness - an enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a movement to bring about confidence and hope. With this, we will be much more useful in life, and as a result we will feel happier. We are revived.

Source Internet

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