Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Stir-Fried Rice Noodles with Salmon and Vegetables

I could name this dish, Pad Thai, because it has a similar sauce used to create Pad Thai. However, Pad Thai dishes are made from meats to seafood but none of them use fish. I use salmon with this recipe. Tuna or any kind of firm fish should turn out perfect.

One 10 oz salmon fillet, cut into bite-size chunks
4 to 6 oz fresh rice noodles

2 tbs coconut oil or peanut oil
1 shallot, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup bean sprouts
1/2cup white onion, sliced
1/2 cup  red bell pepper julienned
about two hand full
1 jalapeno, sliced
 Sauce ingredients:
1/4 cup tamarind juice*
1/4 cup water
1 tsp ketchup
1 tsp honey
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp rice vinegar or lime juice
2 tsp fish sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
1/8 tsp cayenne
Garnish with chopped, Chives, cilantro  and roasted peanuts

In a bowl, place salmon and add about 1 tbp of sauce . Mix well.

Whisk all the sauce ingredients and set aside.

Soak rice noodles in water for about 3 minutes and drain just before being ready to cook. If using dry noodles, then soak for 30 minutes or until soft and pliable.

Heat 1 tsp oil in a wok over medium heat until just smoking. Add fish in a single layer and cook. Do not disturb until beginning to brown on all sides. Remove from wok.

Add the remaining oil and stir in shallot, white onion, garlic, and hot  jalapeno. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt, stirring constantly, until shallot and onion are a light golden brown or their fragrance fills the kitchen.

 Stir in egg as if making scrambled eggs and move off to the side of wok (about 10 to 15 second).

Add noodles and sauce. Increase heat and toss until noodles are well coded.

Stir in bean sprouts, bell pepper and  spinach. Gently add fish back to wok and toss to combine.

If noodles look dry, add a few spoons of water. Add chives. Mix well. Place on a serving plate and sprinkle with cilantro,  and roasted peanuts.
*To make tamarind juice:
Place about 4 oz. tamarind pulp in 2 cups of hot water until soft. Drain and place the sauce in a glass jar, which can be kept in the refrigerator for weeks.

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