Monday, August 26, 2024

Dealing with an Unfair Life

Life isn't always fair, and this is a fact that everyone has to face. Instead of complaining about unfairness, smart people will find ways to change their perception of the situation.

Mary Engelbreit once said: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your thinking about it." This quote reminds us that instead of letting unfairness frustrate us, we should change our thinking so that we can face it more positively.

Since childhood, perhaps all of us have experienced unfair situations. You may have been unfairly punished when fighting over a toy, or tried your best but still didn't achieve what you wanted, while others succeeded more easily because they had a better starting point. At times like these, feelings of disappointment and frustration will easily appear. However, complaining about life only adds stress to yourself and those around you.

But the truth is, life is inherently unfair, and no one can change this. Billionaire Bill Gates once said: "Life is inherently unfair. Get used to it!" Complaining does not help you solve problems, and only when you heal your soul and give up thinking of yourself as a victim, can you spread positive energy and face life optimistically.

Our reaction to injustice is natural. When we see fairness, the reward system in the brain is activated, but when we encounter injustice, the Amygdala - the area associated with fear and stress - is stimulated, making us easily angry and anxious.

Life is not always fair, and you may encounter situations such as working hard but not achieving success, losing out on a promotion opportunity because of others, or seeing a loved one being scammed. These injustices may be just a small part of what is happening in the world.

When faced with injustice, you can fight back without hurting yourself by controlling your emotions, thinking carefully before you act, and distinguishing between what can and cannot be changed. When faced with injustice, instead of thinking negatively and letting it paralyze you, remind yourself that thinking about it will not bring any results and that you need to find a way to compromise or change.

To think positively, you need to be aware of and control your emotions. Instead of blaming and blaming, focus on changing your perspective.  Life will always be unfair, but if you persevere and think positively, one day you will achieve your dreams.

Recognizing what can be changed is the key to facing injustice. You cannot change the past, but you can minimize its impact in the present. You can't change other people's behavior, but you can change your behavior to spread positive energy. While you can't guarantee results, you can still make a difference and not let things you can't control control you.

Life is not fair, but the important thing is to know how to face it and overcome it intelligently.

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