Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Kombu and Bonito Broth Recipe

The Japanese cuisine often features a simple yet versatile broth made from kombu (kelp) and bonito flakes, commonly used as a base for dishes like ramen or noodle bowls. This broth can be made in bulk and stored in the refrigerator for weeks, making it a convenient go-to ingredient.

Even after straining, the leftover kombu and mushrooms still retain plenty of flavor. You can thinly slice them and make a second, smaller batch of broth using the same ingredients. This second batch is great for stir-frying or as a dipping sauce for tempura.


        2 pieces of kombu (about the size of a postcard)

        5 dried shiitake mushrooms

5 cups water

1/2 cup mirin

1/3 cup sake

1/3 cup soy sauce

1 tsp salt

2 oz. bonito flakes


1.    In a medium saucepan, combine the kombu, shiitake mushrooms, and water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

2.    Add the mirin, sake, soy sauce, and salt to the saucepan. Continue simmering for an additional 5 minutes.

3.    Stir in the bonito flakes and bring the mixture back to a boil for 5 minutes.

4.    Allow the broth to cool to room temperature, then strain it through a sieve lined with paper towels.

5.    Store the broth in a sterilized glass jar and refrigerate.

This kombu and bonito broth makes an excellent base for ramen and other Japanese dishes.

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