Monday, November 2, 2015

Crock Pot Peanuts

The Vietnamese cuisine has a recipe for sweet rice with peanuts. Actually, this recipe is more from the northern part of Vietnam. Since my family’s roots are from the North, as my siblings and I were growing up, my mom fed us this yummy breakfast frequently.  In Vietnam, sometimes my mother used fresh peanuts when available, but more often she used dry peanuts, which were more affordable and available practically everywhere.  The only drawback with using dry peanuts is that they take a long time to cook to achieve the proper level of being soft but still tender.  I think a crock pot is the best way to cook peanuts or any kind of dry beans, such as navy, black kidney, pinto, etc.. This easy recipe for crock pot for peanuts will produce pleasing results.

1 cup dry or shelled peanuts
2 cup water
1 tsp salt

Rinse the peanuts well.
Place peanuts and water in a crock pot and add salt.
Cover and cook on low for 3 to 6 hours or over night

Drain and allow to cool.  This recipe uses a small amount of peanuts, but you can double or triple the ingredients.  If you have more peanuts than you need immediately, just drain well and freeze the extra peanuts, until needed. Reserve the liquid from cooking the peanut for the recipe as follow

Note – This is a healthy way to eat peanuts and save money.  Use this procedure to make cooked beans instead of buying canned beans.

How to make sweet peanut rice using a rice cooker:

1 cup glutinous rice
1 cup of the after cooking liquid from the crock pot peanut recipe directions above
1/4 tsp salt
All the after crock pot-cooked peanuts from the crock pot peanut recipe directions above

Wash and drain the rice.

 Combine the cooked peanuts to the rice. Add salt.  Stir to mix well.  Place combination into the rice cooker.

 Add the cooking liquid. Close the lid and press cook. When it is done cooking, wait for 10 minutes, and then turn to cook one more time.

After the second time, this will result in delicious sweet rice with peanuts.  Sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds or fresh shredded coconut flakes.  Enjoy!!

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