Thursday, June 27, 2024

Coconut Cookies

Coconut oil has gained a reputation as a super-healthy food, and it's considered one of the healthiest dietary fats by nutritionists. I often use coconut oil at home for cooking and even for skincare. Today, I'd like to share an easy recipe for delicious coconut cookies that make a perfect snack. You can replace the sugar in this recipe with ripe banana or honey if you prefer.


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup sugar (or substitute with ripe banana or honey)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes (sweetened or unsweetened)


1.    Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

2.    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

3.    In a bowl, combine the egg, coconut oil, sugar (or substitute), and vanilla extract. Whisk well.

4.    In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon powder. Add this dry mixture to the wet ingredients and mix well.

5.    Form the dough into small balls, about 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

6.    Place the dough balls on the prepared baking sheet, spacing them about 2 inches apart.

7.    Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until the cookies are golden brown.

8.    Transfer the cookies to wire racks to cool completely.


Enjoy your homemade coconut cookies!

Potato and Rice Paper Pancake

The fusion of Korean street food flavors with the convenience of home cooking brings the potato and rice paper pancake to life, a dish that's as versatile as it is delicious. This recipe captures the essence of a culinary adventure, allowing the home chef to experiment with a variety of fillings, transforming the humble pancake into a gourmet experience reminiscent of pizza. The potato and rice paper pancake is more than just a snack; it's a bridge between the traditional and the modern, the familiar and the exotic, the quick bite and the slow savor. It's a dish that invites experimentation, encourages adaptation, and most importantly, it's a dish that brings people together, around the table, to enjoy the universal language of good food. You don't have to travel to Korea to enjoy this delicious snack, which can taste like pizza depending on the fillings you choose. Here's an easy recipe for a simple snack that you can make for breakfast or to satisfy diners.


  • 1 medium-sized potato
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 4 rice paper sheets (8 inches in diameter)
  • 2 slices of ham, julienned
  • 1/2 cup cilantro and green onions, chopped
  • 1 cup cheese (your choice)
  • Salt and black pepper, to taste
  • Cayenne pepper, to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying


1.    Preparing the Vegetables:

·         Peel and shred the potato.

·         Peel and shred the carrot.

2.    Making the Filling:

·         In a bowl, mix the shredded potato, shredded carrot, julienned ham, chopped cilantro, and green onions.

·         Season the mixture with salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper to taste.

·         Add the cheese and mix well.

3.    Preparing the Rice Paper:

·         Fill a large shallow dish with warm water. Dip one rice paper sheet into the water for about 10-15 seconds until it becomes pliable but not too soft. Shake off the excess water.

4.    Assembling the Pancakes:

·         Place the softened rice paper on a cold large pan. Add 1 tbsp oil

·         Divide the potato mixture into two equal portions. Spread one portion of the mixture evenly over the rice paper.

·         Dip a second rice paper sheet into the water, shake off the excess, and place it over the potato mixture, pressing down gently to seal.

5.    Cooking the Pancakes:

·         Turn the heat on to low and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 5 minutes.

·         Uncover the pan and increase the heat to medium-high. Cook for another 3 minutes or until the rice paper turns crispy and golden brown.

·         Carefully flip the pancake and cook the other side, adding a little oil if needed, until both sides are crispy and golden brown.

6.    Repeating:

·         Repeat the process with the remaining rice paper sheets and potato mixture.

7.    Serving:

·         Serve the pancakes hot, cut into slices if desired.


Enjoy your homemade potato and rice paper pancakes!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Vegetarian Fish Sauce

Creating a vegetarian fish sauce is a wonderful way to enjoy the umami flavor commonly associated with traditional fish sauce, without using any animal products. This recipe is a testament to the versatility of plant-based ingredients, showcasing how soybeans, mushrooms, and seaweed can come together to create a complex and rich flavor profile. The process of roasting the soybeans and mushrooms to enhance their aroma, and then simmering them with seaweed and seasonings, is a thoughtful method to extract as much taste as possible. This sauce can be a staple in any kitchen, providing a nutritious and flavorful addition to various dishes. Moreover, the second part of the recipe offers a way to turn the vegetarian fish sauce into a delicious dipping sauce, perfect for enhancing the flavors of spring rolls or rice rolls-banh cuon. The inclusion of sugar, vinegar, and the option to add garlic, chili, and lemon juice allows for customization to personal taste preferences, making it a versatile condiment for many meals.


1 cup dry soybeans

1 cup of assorted dried mushrooms

1 hand-sized piece of seaweed

1 cup salt

1 tbsp dark soy sauce

10 cups of cold water


Wash soybeans and mushrooms thoroughly.

Put the soybeans in the oven for about 10 minutes until fragrant. You can also use a large roasting pan.

Mushrooms are also grilled until fragrant.

Put all ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer very gently for about 1 hour. Filter the fish sauce. After draining the fish sauce, you can add another 4 cups of hot water and pour it into a glass jar for later use.

Here is the recipe for making fish sauce for spring rolls or banh cuon:

1 ½ cups vegetarian fish sauce

2 cups filtered water

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup vinegar

Put all ingredients in a pot and boil until the sugar dissolves. When eating, add garlic, chili pepper, and lemon juice.. You can adjust the seasoning to your family’s liking.

The story of the old lady looking for a needle

The story of the old lady looking for a needle is a story that is both gentle and profound and will help you realize that what you lost and what you searched for are not the same. This story was told by Master Minh Niem in many of his lectures.

The story goes that, late one afternoon, people saw a thin, tired old woman bending over as if looking for something she had lost right in front of a hut in an alley.

Passersby asked:

- Did you drop something?

She replied:

- I lost my needle.

One person who seemed very enthusiastic continued:

- We will help you.

All the people there started looking for needles with her. After a while of not seeing the needle, everyone gradually lost patience and asked the old lady:

- The line is long and the needle is very small. Where exactly did you drop the needle? If we knew where it fell, we would find it very quickly.

She said:

- Inside my house.

Hearing that, someone got angry and shouted:

- Are you confused? If you dropped your needle in the house, why did you come here to look for it?

The old lady replied leisurely:

- Because there is light out here, but inside the house there is none.

Everyone burst out laughing again and began to disperse. The old woman called them back and said:

- Everyone, listen to me! My story of finding a needle is exactly what you are doing in real life. You always look for joy and peace outside without asking the important and first question: Where did you lose it? Your eyes see, your ears hear, and your hands always hold things outside your heart. That's why you always look for happiness outside your mind.

This story asks: "What are we searching so hard for in this life?"

The story of the old woman looking for a needle is not just a simple folk tale, but also a profound lesson about finding happiness and meaning in life. It reminds us that sometimes we look for something in places where it cannot be found, and neglect to look for it where we have lost it. This story also reflects a universal message about finding joy and peace within yourself, instead of looking for it from the outside. This is a valuable lesson, reminding each of us to self-reflect and reevaluate what we are looking for in life and how we are looking for it. The story also suggests that true happiness and peace come from understanding and accepting oneself, as well as from creating light in one's soul.

The World is Changing

Currently, there are quite dizzying changes in the world.  First it was the Covid epidemic, followed by the war between Russia and Ukraine that killed countless innocent people. This is followed by natural disasters, earthquakes, fires and floods. This proves that Mother Earth is angry. This anger is just a warning for us to live simply and protect nature.

In my opinion, the universe is very fair and is working to protect us. Although mother earth is angry, it is only because we humans are always distorted and live without tolerance and tolerance towards others. together. This time is the time when the universe is transforming to heal the wounds of Mother Earth from hundreds of years ago. Actually, according to the Buddha's teachings, all things that exist in the world come together due to conditions and will disappear, which is the impermanence of things. My view of the universe and its justice is profound and reflects a philosophical view of the natural world and the human spirit. The understanding of cause and effect, a central concept in Buddhism, shows the close connection between events and phenomena, not only in our surroundings but also in the wider universe. Cause and effect not only explains the formation and destruction of all things but is also the basis for understanding the connection and interaction between all entities. This also helps us realize that each of our actions and decisions has an impact on the world around us, and from there, we are responsible for each of our choices.

Mother Earth's anger can be understood as a reaction to humans' intolerant and unforgiving actions, as I said. This emphasizes the importance of living in peace and mutual respect, as well as the need to heal the damage we have caused to the environment. Although we are currently in a very difficult situation, this is a transformation as a process of healing these wounds and also shows optimism and faith in the ability of nature or mother to recover.

The Buddha's teachings on impermanence also remind us of the impermanent nature of all things. This understanding not only helps us accept change but also encourages us to live more meaningfully, appreciating each present moment. The emphasis on cause and effect in Buddhism is also a reminder of the connection between all things and events, thereby encouraging us to act responsibly and consciously.

Finally, relativity in understanding causes and conditions is also an important approach. It shows that although everything has its causes and conditions, we also need to look at every problem from many different angles. This not only helps us better understand the world but also opens up a more flexible approach to solving complex problems. The combination of cause and condition, between conditions and relationships, is a comprehensive picture of the existence and development of all things in the universe, thereby opening up a deeper understanding of life. and the world we live in. Based on Buddhism, the formation and destruction of the universe are due to the two words "cause and effect".

This earth may be submerged, the sea will become mountains and the mountains will become seas. This all follows the law of cause and effect and impermanence. Therefore, we should not be afraid but must focus on our spiritual life. Live simply so as not to use more than what the universe is giving us. Greed is what makes the world chaotic. Only when people know how to stop will life stabilize and peace will be re-established in the world.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Stir-fried Gourd with Eggs

Stir-fried gourd with eggs is indeed a dish that combines simplicity with nutrition. The eggs, being an excellent source of protein, can serve as a substitute for meat or fish, making the dish a versatile option for various dietary preferences. Gourds, on the other hand, are not only hydrating due to their high water content but also bring a plethora of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to the table. These include, but are not limited to, calcium, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, all of which contribute to a balanced diet. Despite being low in calories, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, gourds are a fiber-rich food, which is beneficial for digestive health and can aid in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness. Furthermore, the presence of choline, a vital neurotransmitter, suggests that gourds may support brain health and help in managing stress and mood-related disorders. Incorporating a gourd into daily meals, particularly in a dish as wholesome as stir-fried gourd with eggs, could be a delightful way to nourish the body while also catering to mental well-being.


1 small gourd (about 1 lb.)

3 eggs

2 shallots

2 garlic cloves 

2 chopped onions

2 tablespoons coriander

Spices: salt, pepper, seasoning powder, sugar, fish sauce or soy sauce

Cooking oil


Peel the gourd, cut off the tip and stem, wash, then julienne.

Marinate the gourd with a little mushroom powder or seasoning powder to give the gourd a rich flavor.

Preparing eggs:

Crack eggs into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of fish sauce and beat well.

Preparing Onions and Garlic:

Peel and chop onions and garlic.

Wash and chop green onions and coriander.

Stir-frying the Gourd:

Put 3 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan, sauté minced onion and garlic.

Stir-fry the gourd. Use high heat to avoid releasing too much water.

When the gourd is cooked, pour in the eggs. Stir well so the eggs don't get lumpy.

Add seasoning including seasoning powder, salt, soy sauce, pepper and a little fish sauce. Adjust the seasoning to your liking.

Finishing the Dish:

When the dish is almost cooked, add green onions, coriander and sprinkle with ground pepper.

Stir-fry for about 10 more seconds, then turn off the stove.

Scoop fried egg gourd onto a plate and enjoy with white rice.


Health Benefits:

Gourd stir-fried with eggs is not only delicious but also very good for your health. With fiber from gourds and protein from eggs, this dish helps:

Enjoying gourd stir-fried with eggs is a great way to supplement nutrients and maintain good health for the whole family.

7 Things That Create an Elegant Woman

 As a woman, taking care of external beauty is important, but temperament and elegance are even more important. Here are seven attitudes that help women become elegant and happy:


Pressure is the enemy of beauty and spirit. Beautiful and brave women know how to reduce pressure, calmly face adversity, not complain, and maintain faith that good things will come.


Being tolerant and not calculating too much makes life better. Mature women understand that suffering losses in the present is to gain blessings for the future, and experiencing pain is to become more mature.

Know Enough

Women know how to be satisfied with what they have, do not compare life with others, and value the joy of their children, the health of their parents, and the harmony of the family. Living knowing enough is a kind of wisdom.

Doesn't Get Angry Easily

Smart women can control their emotions, restrain, and be patient. They treat others sincerely, maintain politeness, and not let anger destroy their elegance.

Treat Yourself Well

Even though they are not beautiful, elegant women still maintain an attractive posture and demeanor. They hold a good mood, are optimistic, love life, and do not give up in the face of adversity. “Appearance is born from the mind” – when the state of mind changes, the situation also changes.

Keep Your Mind Balanced

Elegant women always exude peace and have a relaxed demeanor thanks to inner peace. No matter the situation, they remain quiet and single-mindedly pursuing their ideals. Meditation is an effective way to calm your mind and arouse true happiness.

Live In The Present Moment

Understanding that time passes quickly, elegant women know how to live well in the present. They are happy with their lovely things, do not waste the joy that life gives, and look forward to the future without daydreaming.

This is the ideal type of woman that men always dream of. Not only women but also men should practice these virtues. If you don't have the above qualities, try to practice them from now on.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hope is Faith for Life

Aristotle, one of the great philosophers of ancient Greece, once made a profound point about how we face difficulties. He said that even in darkness, we need to look for light - a symbol of hope and optimism. This applies not only in philosophy but also in our daily lives. Everyone has their fears, and sometimes, we feel anxious about things that are unclear or uncertain. However, in the same way that nature alternates between light and dark, life also has its cycles. We learn to adapt and find the strength within ourselves to overcome challenges, realizing that after every long night is a new dawn, and after every storm is a clear sky. It is a powerful message about inner strength and human resilience.

However, life is not only about bright moments. Sometimes, we have to deal with negative emotions such as sadness, disappointment, and suffering. It is these shadows that help us better appreciate the good times and joys in life.

But what happens when darkness descends into your life? You may lose your job, a relationship falls apart, or your mental and physical health decline. Sometimes, these things happen for no good reason. However, darkness is just a part of life.

When we find ourselves in the dark, we may feel lost, alone, and afraid. Motivation disappears, and everything becomes difficult. However, through the light and dark cycles of life, you will understand that in dark moments, we are not lost. We are just learning a new way of living, accepting this darkness as part of the growing process.

Always maintain hope and believe that after every long night, there is a brilliant dawn. Difficulties are temporary, and you will overcome them to find your light. In life, there are periods when we have to face problems and challenges that seem impossible. However, always remember that hope is an important source of motivation to help us move forward. These difficulties will not last forever and you should always remember that "when one door closes, another door will open" just because you keep looking at the piled stone door but cannot see what has happened. Another door is opening for you.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cranberry Candy Recipe-- Ô mai Cam Việt Quất

This cranberry candy recipe is a delightful fusion of flavors and health benefits. The combination of dried cranberries, citrus juices, and aromatic spices not only creates a treat that's a pleasure to the palate but also packs a punch with its cold-fighting properties. The ginger and honey bring their own set of medicinal benefits, aiding in digestion and soothing sore throats, while the unique addition of Li Hing mui and licorice powders offer a depth of flavor that's both exotic and comforting. The process of soaking, baking, and drying ensures that each bite is infused with the essence of each ingredient, creating a candy that's not just a snack, but a wholesome experience. Once done, you'll have a jar of homemade candy that's not only a treat for the taste buds but also a boost for your health. Enjoy your creation and the sweet satisfaction of making something beneficial and delicious from scratch.


 5 cups of dried cranberries (available at Costco or supermarkets in the US)

  • 1/2 cup orange juice or tangerine juice
  • 1/4 cup shredded ginger
  • 1 cup sliced tangerine peels
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup dry Li Hing mui powder
  • 1/4 cup dry licorice powder


     1.    Preparation:

·         Mix the dried cranberries with the orange juice, shredded ginger, sliced tangerine peel, honey, and li hing mui powder. Let the mixture soak overnight.

2.    Preheating the oven:

·         Preheat your oven to 250°F (120°C).

3.    Baking the cranberries:

·         Line a large tray with baking paper.

·         Spread the soaked cranberry mixture thinly on the tray.

·         Dry the mixture in the oven for about 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.

4.    Adding licorice powder:

·         Remove the tray from the oven and let the mixture cool slightly.

·         Add the licorice powder and mix well.

5.    To storage:

·         Once the mixture is completely cooled, transfer it to a glass jar with a lid.


  • Ensure the cranberries are well spread out on the tray for even drying.
  • Stirring every 15 minutes helps prevent sticking and ensures even drying.
  • Store the candy in a cool, dry place. It doesn't require refrigeration and can be kept for a long time.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Happiness is Present When Ambition is Gone

Happiness is two simple words that contain so much profound meaning in life. We cannot be happy if each person has too many dreams in their mind. Any dream can make our life tiring and stressful. Happiness is a complex and diverse concept, not simply the absence of sadness or stress. Everyone has their dreams and goals, but what's important is how we balance pursuing them and enjoying the present moment. Sometimes, setting too many expectations or pressure to achieve goals can lead to feelings of fatigue and stress, taking away the joy in daily life. Instead, finding balance, being grateful for what we already have, and accepting that not every dream needs to be fulfilled immediately, can help us feel happier. Happiness does not always come from achieving goals, but sometimes it comes from the process we experience and the relationships we build along the way. We have dreams of getting rich, dreams of becoming billionaires. It is these dreams that make us race endlessly and lose our serenity and freedom. No billionaire is not proud of his/her money, but that pride creates anxiety, fear, doubt, and unhappiness for them.

 In the world, there are no rich people who are not busy with food and shelter, but they are very busy preserving money and worrying about property loss. Unexpected fluctuations in the stock market or any fluctuations make them lose their appetite and sleep peacefully. In their minds, the seeds of doubt and caution operate very intensely, so even though they have money, happiness and peace are still extremely scarce.   In life, ambition can be the driving force for us to strive and achieve significant achievements. However, when ambition becomes too great and uncontrollable, it can lead to constant anxiety and fear. This can cause a loss of peace and mental freedom, making life stressful and unbalanced. Those who pursue power often face great pressure and loneliness, as they always have to be alert to threats around them. To maintain harmony and freedom in the soul, finding a balance between ambition and serenity is important. This requires self-awareness and self-control, so as not to let greed and arrogance rule our lives.

The Banana Sour Cream Cake

The Banana Sour Cream Cake recipe you've shared is a delightful treat that's perfect for gatherings or a cozy Sunday at church. The use of sour cream is a clever twist, ensuring the cake remains moist while reducing the need for oil or butter. It's a great way to make use of those extra-ripe bananas and share the joy of homemade baking with others. The process of mixing the dry and wet ingredients separately before combining them is a classic technique that helps to avoid over-mixing, which can result in a denser cake. Baking it to golden perfection and then topping it with creamy frosting adds that final touch of indulgence. Whether it's enjoyed as a sweet end to a meal or as a companion to a cup of coffee, this cake is sure to be a hit with anyone who tries it. Remember, the best recipes are not just about the ingredients and the steps; they're about the memories and smiles they create. Enjoy your baking and the moments of happiness it brings!


Dry ingredients:

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon powder

Wet ingredients:

1/2 cup oil

1 cup sour cream

3 medium-sized ripe bananas (about 1 cup, mashed)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 eggs


1 cake pan (10 x 9 inches)

1 tsp butter (softened, for greasing the pan)

1 tbsp flour (for dusting the pan)


Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

Preparing the cake pan:

Butter and flour the cake pan to prevent sticking. Set aside.

Mixing the dry ingredients:

In a bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon powder. Set aside.

Mixing the wet ingredients:

In a medium bowl, combine the oil, sour cream, mashed bananas, brown sugar, white sugar, and eggs.

Use a hand-held beater to beat the wet ingredients until smooth.

Combining the dry and wet ingredients:

Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing just until combined. Do not over-mix the batter.

Baking the cake:

Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan.

Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Cooling and frosting the cake:

Let the cake cool completely.

Once cooled, spread store-bought cream cheese frosting over the cake.

Serving and enjoying:

Slice and enjoy your easy and delicious banana cake!

Feel free to enjoy this cake with friends, family, or fellow church members!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Shrimp Dumplings

Shrimp dumplings, a delightful staple of Chinese dim sum, offer a world of flavor in a delicate, bite-sized package. This recipe takes a creative twist on the traditional method by utilizing spring roll rice paper for the dumpling shells, a clever substitution that adds a unique texture and is a great gluten-free option. The process begins with the preparation of the shrimp filling, ensuring the shrimp are thoroughly cleaned and patted dry before being puréed to achieve the perfect consistency. The addition of diced carrots and white onions not only infuses the filling with a crunch but also with a burst of freshness. 

The art of wrapping dumplings is a skill that becomes easier with practice. The key is to work quickly, dipping the rice paper in warm water just enough to soften it, then placing a teaspoon of the shrimp mixture in the center. The folding technique, where one hand folds the paper while the other pinches the ends together, creates the classic dumpling shape that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 

Steaming is the final step that brings the dumplings to life, transforming the raw ingredients into a succulent treat. The steamer must be prepared with care, heating the water before the dumplings are placed inside and using baking paper to prevent sticking. A light brush of oil on the dumplings ensures they remain separate and intact. After about five minutes, the dumplings are ready to be enjoyed, their flavors fully developed and their texture perfectly tender.

This recipe not only offers a delicious result but also an enjoyable cooking experience, inviting cooks to engage with traditional techniques while also embracing innovation. The satisfaction of creating such a beloved dish from scratch is immense, and the act of sharing it with others only multiplies the joy. So here's to the success of your culinary endeavor and the pleasure of savoring your homemade shrimp dumplings!



1/3 lb peeled shrimp

1/2 cup diced carrots and blanched with boiling water

1/4 cup diced white onions


1/4 teaspoon each: white wine, salt, pepper, sugar, seasoning powder, cornstarch

Dumpling shell:

10 rice paper (5-inch type)


Shrimp filling:

Wash shrimp clean and pat dry. Then purée the shrimp.

Put the shrimp in a bowl and mix well with carrots and white onions.

How to wrap dumplings:

Dip rice paper quickly in warm water.

Place 1 teaspoon of shrimp paste in the middle of the rice paper. Then, use one hand to fold the cake. Use the index finger and thumb of the other hand to squeeze the two ends of the cake together. Continue doing so until all the filling is gone.

Steaming dumplings:

Place the steamer on the stove and heat the water before placing the dumplings in.

Cut a piece of baking paper and place it in the steamer mold. Apply oil to the baking paper and dumplings to avoid sticking.

Steam the dumplings for about 5 minutes until cooked.

Accompanying dipping sauce:

Soy sauce

Black vinegar

A little sugar (if you like)

Chili (optional)

Wishing you success and enjoy delicious shrimp dumplings!