Friday, June 14, 2024

Broken Dreams

Our lives are a series of wishful thinking – illusions and false expectations. But unfortunately, often we don't realize that we have those things in our heads. In general, dreaming is very fun, but when life doesn't turn out like a dream, people are often dumbfounded and don't understand. Reality is extremely interesting, but when we compare dreams and reality, everything suddenly becomes lame. That is the big reason why we are unhappy with ourselves, with others, and even with this life.

Broken dreams are often the result of unrealistic expectations we set for ourselves, others, and life. This article's very detailed analysis of common delusions and how they affect our emotions and behavior.

Illusions that most of us often encounter:

1-Perfect figure

Fantasy: Daydreaming that one day you will have the perfect body like a model or celebrity.

Reality: Each person has a different constitution and physical condition, achieving such an ideal physique depends not only on effort but also on genetic factors and circumstances.

2-Ideal lover

Fantasy: Wanting a perfect lover, always romantic, unconditionally loving and willing to take care of and protect you.

Reality: A love relationship requires effort and understanding from both sides. No one is perfect and every relationship has ups and downs.

3-Good habits and self-discipline

Delusion: Believing that you can easily form good habits without any failure.

Reality: Forming good habits takes time and effort. Failure is a natural part of the learning and growth process.

4-Expectations of others

Delusion: Wanting others to always be polite, never angry, always helpful.

Reality: Each person has their own personality and circumstances. No one can completely meet the expectations of others.

5-Perfect life

Fantasy: Dreaming about a life without difficulties, always full of joy and advantages.

Reality: Life always has challenges and changes. Difficulties help us grow and become stronger.

The impact of these illusions:

Dissatisfaction with ourselves: When we do not achieve unrealistic expectations, we easily feel disappointed, self-blame, and dissatisfied with ourselves.

Disappointment with others: When others do not meet our expectations, we easily feel disappointed, frustrated and even angry.

Dissatisfaction with life: When life does not go as expected, we easily fall into a state of depression, feeling that life is unfair and meaningless.


How to let go of the unthinkable:


1-Recognize and admit illusions

Be clear about your unrealistic expectations. Admit that you are daydreaming and that it is causing your dissatisfaction.

2-Look straight at reality

Accept and appreciate what you have. Understand that life, although not perfect, still has its own values ​​and joys.

3-Practice letting go

Every time you feel frustrated or stressed, write down the unrealistic expectations that are causing that feeling. Read it again and realize that you don't need these dreams to be happy.

4-Practice gratitude

Regularly remind yourself of the good things in life. Gratitude helps us focus on present values ​​instead of daydreaming about unrealistic things.


To achieve satisfaction, we need to learn to let go of illusions and face reality. This does not mean giving up on all dreams but recognizing the value of the present and the good things around us. When we look at life clearly, not through the lens of unrealistic desires, we will see that each moment has its own value. Journaling your thoughts when you feel frustrated or stressed is a good way to become aware of them and slowly let them go. Over time, we will learn to accept and love life for what it brings, without the need for impossible dreams. In fact, true satisfaction and happiness come from accepting and appreciating current life, letting go of illusions and living authentically, when we look at reality and find beauty in the simple and natural things of life.

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