Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The World is Changing

Currently, there are quite dizzying changes in the world.  First it was the Covid epidemic, followed by the war between Russia and Ukraine that killed countless innocent people. This is followed by natural disasters, earthquakes, fires and floods. This proves that Mother Earth is angry. This anger is just a warning for us to live simply and protect nature.

In my opinion, the universe is very fair and is working to protect us. Although mother earth is angry, it is only because we humans are always distorted and live without tolerance and tolerance towards others. together. This time is the time when the universe is transforming to heal the wounds of Mother Earth from hundreds of years ago. Actually, according to the Buddha's teachings, all things that exist in the world come together due to conditions and will disappear, which is the impermanence of things. My view of the universe and its justice is profound and reflects a philosophical view of the natural world and the human spirit. The understanding of cause and effect, a central concept in Buddhism, shows the close connection between events and phenomena, not only in our surroundings but also in the wider universe. Cause and effect not only explains the formation and destruction of all things but is also the basis for understanding the connection and interaction between all entities. This also helps us realize that each of our actions and decisions has an impact on the world around us, and from there, we are responsible for each of our choices.

Mother Earth's anger can be understood as a reaction to humans' intolerant and unforgiving actions, as I said. This emphasizes the importance of living in peace and mutual respect, as well as the need to heal the damage we have caused to the environment. Although we are currently in a very difficult situation, this is a transformation as a process of healing these wounds and also shows optimism and faith in the ability of nature or mother to recover.

The Buddha's teachings on impermanence also remind us of the impermanent nature of all things. This understanding not only helps us accept change but also encourages us to live more meaningfully, appreciating each present moment. The emphasis on cause and effect in Buddhism is also a reminder of the connection between all things and events, thereby encouraging us to act responsibly and consciously.

Finally, relativity in understanding causes and conditions is also an important approach. It shows that although everything has its causes and conditions, we also need to look at every problem from many different angles. This not only helps us better understand the world but also opens up a more flexible approach to solving complex problems. The combination of cause and condition, between conditions and relationships, is a comprehensive picture of the existence and development of all things in the universe, thereby opening up a deeper understanding of life. and the world we live in. Based on Buddhism, the formation and destruction of the universe are due to the two words "cause and effect".

This earth may be submerged, the sea will become mountains and the mountains will become seas. This all follows the law of cause and effect and impermanence. Therefore, we should not be afraid but must focus on our spiritual life. Live simply so as not to use more than what the universe is giving us. Greed is what makes the world chaotic. Only when people know how to stop will life stabilize and peace will be re-established in the world.

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