Monday, June 17, 2024

Happiness is Present When Ambition is Gone

Happiness is two simple words that contain so much profound meaning in life. We cannot be happy if each person has too many dreams in their mind. Any dream can make our life tiring and stressful. Happiness is a complex and diverse concept, not simply the absence of sadness or stress. Everyone has their dreams and goals, but what's important is how we balance pursuing them and enjoying the present moment. Sometimes, setting too many expectations or pressure to achieve goals can lead to feelings of fatigue and stress, taking away the joy in daily life. Instead, finding balance, being grateful for what we already have, and accepting that not every dream needs to be fulfilled immediately, can help us feel happier. Happiness does not always come from achieving goals, but sometimes it comes from the process we experience and the relationships we build along the way. We have dreams of getting rich, dreams of becoming billionaires. It is these dreams that make us race endlessly and lose our serenity and freedom. No billionaire is not proud of his/her money, but that pride creates anxiety, fear, doubt, and unhappiness for them.

 In the world, there are no rich people who are not busy with food and shelter, but they are very busy preserving money and worrying about property loss. Unexpected fluctuations in the stock market or any fluctuations make them lose their appetite and sleep peacefully. In their minds, the seeds of doubt and caution operate very intensely, so even though they have money, happiness and peace are still extremely scarce.   In life, ambition can be the driving force for us to strive and achieve significant achievements. However, when ambition becomes too great and uncontrollable, it can lead to constant anxiety and fear. This can cause a loss of peace and mental freedom, making life stressful and unbalanced. Those who pursue power often face great pressure and loneliness, as they always have to be alert to threats around them. To maintain harmony and freedom in the soul, finding a balance between ambition and serenity is important. This requires self-awareness and self-control, so as not to let greed and arrogance rule our lives.

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