Saturday, June 15, 2024

Shrimp Dumplings

Shrimp dumplings, a delightful staple of Chinese dim sum, offer a world of flavor in a delicate, bite-sized package. This recipe takes a creative twist on the traditional method by utilizing spring roll rice paper for the dumpling shells, a clever substitution that adds a unique texture and is a great gluten-free option. The process begins with the preparation of the shrimp filling, ensuring the shrimp are thoroughly cleaned and patted dry before being puréed to achieve the perfect consistency. The addition of diced carrots and white onions not only infuses the filling with a crunch but also with a burst of freshness. 

The art of wrapping dumplings is a skill that becomes easier with practice. The key is to work quickly, dipping the rice paper in warm water just enough to soften it, then placing a teaspoon of the shrimp mixture in the center. The folding technique, where one hand folds the paper while the other pinches the ends together, creates the classic dumpling shape that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 

Steaming is the final step that brings the dumplings to life, transforming the raw ingredients into a succulent treat. The steamer must be prepared with care, heating the water before the dumplings are placed inside and using baking paper to prevent sticking. A light brush of oil on the dumplings ensures they remain separate and intact. After about five minutes, the dumplings are ready to be enjoyed, their flavors fully developed and their texture perfectly tender.

This recipe not only offers a delicious result but also an enjoyable cooking experience, inviting cooks to engage with traditional techniques while also embracing innovation. The satisfaction of creating such a beloved dish from scratch is immense, and the act of sharing it with others only multiplies the joy. So here's to the success of your culinary endeavor and the pleasure of savoring your homemade shrimp dumplings!



1/3 lb peeled shrimp

1/2 cup diced carrots and blanched with boiling water

1/4 cup diced white onions


1/4 teaspoon each: white wine, salt, pepper, sugar, seasoning powder, cornstarch

Dumpling shell:

10 rice paper (5-inch type)


Shrimp filling:

Wash shrimp clean and pat dry. Then purée the shrimp.

Put the shrimp in a bowl and mix well with carrots and white onions.

How to wrap dumplings:

Dip rice paper quickly in warm water.

Place 1 teaspoon of shrimp paste in the middle of the rice paper. Then, use one hand to fold the cake. Use the index finger and thumb of the other hand to squeeze the two ends of the cake together. Continue doing so until all the filling is gone.

Steaming dumplings:

Place the steamer on the stove and heat the water before placing the dumplings in.

Cut a piece of baking paper and place it in the steamer mold. Apply oil to the baking paper and dumplings to avoid sticking.

Steam the dumplings for about 5 minutes until cooked.

Accompanying dipping sauce:

Soy sauce

Black vinegar

A little sugar (if you like)

Chili (optional)

Wishing you success and enjoy delicious shrimp dumplings!

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