Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Broccoli Stir-Fried with Garlic Sauce:--A Nutritious Vegan Delight

Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, is renowned for its wealth of health benefits. It's packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Regular consumption of broccoli can help reduce inflammation, stabilize blood sugar levels, and bolster the immune system. Additionally, it's known to enhance eyesight. As a proponent of broccoli's health advantages, I'm eager to share a simple yet profoundly beneficial recipe for broccoli stir-fried with garlic sauce. This dish is not only easy to prepare but also a fantastic addition to a vegan diet. Enjoy this wholesome vegan dish that brings both flavor and health benefits to your table.


- 250g broccoli

- 3 cloves of garlic

- A small piece of ginger

Sauce ingredients:

- 1 tbsp soy sauce

- 1 tsp dark soy sauce

- 1 tsp sugar

- A splash of toasted sesame oil

- 1 tsp potato starch

- 2 tbsp water

Additional items:

- 1 tsp avocado oil

- 1 tsp white sesame seeds


1. Begin by separating the florets from the broccoli stalk and chopping them into bite-sized pieces.

2. Grate the garlic and ginger. Prepare the sauce by whisking together soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, toasted sesame oil, potato starch, and water in a bowl.

3. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add broccoli. Cook for 2 minutes and drain.

4.Warm a nonstick pan over medium heat and add avocado oil followed by gently cooking the grated garlic and ginger for 2-3 minutes.

5. Return the broccoli to the pan, increase the heat to medium, and sauté for about 1 minute.

6. Pour in the prepared sauce. Allow the broccoli to cook for about 30-45 seconds.

7. Stir well to ensure the broccoli is evenly coated with the sauce. Transfer to a plate and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

8. Serve this nutritious stir-fry alongside cooked white rice for a complete meal.


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