Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homemade Tofu

I want to write this recipe for quite sometime and finally here it is.
Soy milk machine

Tofu mold

6 quart pot
Wooden spoon
Some heavy object
1 cup dried soy beans
1 tsp Nigari* (nigari is the dried liquid remainig after the common table salt has been removed from seawater) or 2 tbs vinegar
1 cup hot water
Line the tofu mold with a piece of cheesecloth

Soak the soy beans overnight and drain.

Prepare the soy milk by using the soy milk machine. Read the instruction manual carefully before proceeding. With this amount of soaked soybeans, the machine will produce 1.8 galon of soy milk.
Pour the soy milk from the machine through the strainer over the pot. With this amount of soaked soy bean, the machine will make  two batches of soy milk ; and this will have the result  about 1 bl of tofu. When the machine is done.Pour the hot milk through the cheese cloth. Let it cool off and squize as much milk as you can .

Heat the soy milk  over medium heat. Continue to stir slowly the milk in a clockwise direction.

Slowly add 1/4 cup the Nigari mixture to a barely simmering soy milk and continue to stir in a clockwise direction. Continue to add the Nigari mixture into the soymilk as previously. For this amount of Nigari mixture, 2/3 of this amount will be used. Stop stirring the pot when the milk starts to congeal.

 Turn the heat off and cover the pot with the tight lid. Let soymilk continue to congeal.

After 5 minutes, uncover the pot. If the soymilk still looks milky, then add more of the Nigari mixture (do not use the whole cup because it will result in firm tofu unless firm tofu is what you want). Cover the pot again for another 10 minutes. Uncover the pot. What you see now is a yellowish liquid in the pot, and the white part is the tofu sunk to the bottom of the pot. Use the strainer to separate the yellow liquid, called whey.

Scoop out most of the whey and pour all the soft part of tofu into the prepared mold. Use the overhanging cheesecloth to cover the mold and top with the mold lid.

Place the heavy object on top the mold lid. Drain out the extra liquid into the sink. After 30 minutes, unmold the tofu. If tofu is not consumed immediately, it can be placed in a container filled with fresh cold water. Refrigerate.

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